Publikacje anglojęzyczne
Wybrane publikacje (z bazy SCOPUS)
- Zajadacz A., (ed) 2024, Rethinking sustainable tourism in geographical perspective – theory and practices. Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.
- Zajadacz A., (ed) 2024, Intraduction In: Rethinking sustainable tourism in geographical perspective – theory and practices. In: Zajadacz, A. (eds) Rethinking Sustainable Tourism in Geographical Environments. Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. p. i-,
- Zajadacz, A., Durydiwka, M., Uribe, S. (2024). Problems in Implementation of the Principles of Sustainable Development in Modern Tourism. In: Zajadacz, A. (eds) Rethinking Sustainable Tourism in Geographical Environments. Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham. P. 1-46,
- Zajadacz A., Halik L., 2024. User preferences of perspective and dimensionality of tourism space geovisualisation supporting orientation in a non-immersive virtual reality. Quaestiones Geographicae 43(3), Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, pp. 77–86.
- Zajadacz A., Kołodziejczak A., 2023. Studying at higher education institutions in Poland as seen by students with disabilities in the context of the geographical model of disability. Quaestiones Geographicae 42(4), Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, pp. 119–127.
- Zajadacz A., Lubarska A. (2023). Sensory gardens as a new form of urban green space in smart sustainable cities. Czasopismo Geograficzne, 94(1): 127–147.
- Tourist use of Rwanda national parks in the context of sustainable development. Selected aspects,
Durydiwka M., Zajadacz A., Duda-Gromada K.,
Prace i Studia Geograficzne, 2022, 67.3, Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 105–125, DOI: 10.48128/pisg/2022-67.3-06 - Recreational Evaluation of Forests in Urban Environments: Methodological and Practical Aspects.
Wajchman-Świtalska, S.; Zajadacz, A.; Woźniak, M.; Jaszczak, R.; Beker, C.
Sustainability 2022, 14, 15177. su142215177 - Religious values and family upbringing as antecedents of food waste avoidance
Filimonau V., Mika M., Kubal-Czerwińska M., Zajadacz A., Durydiwka M.
Global Environmental Change, 2022, Volume 75, 2022, 102547, ISSN 0959-3780, ( - Recreation and therapy in urban forests—The potential use of sensory garden solutions
Wajchman-Świtalska, S., Zajadacz, A., Lubarska, A.
Forestst 2021, 12(10), 1402 - Education quality management system in the field of studies tourism and recreation including ways of reacting in crisis situations | System zarządzania jakością kształcenia na kierunku studiów turystyka i rekreacja z uwzględnieniem sposobów reagowania w sytuacjach kryzysowych
Zajadacz, A., Tobolska, A.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne 2020, 65(4), pp. 95–107 - Using social media data to plan for tourism
Zajadacz, A., Minkwitz, A.
Quaestiones Geographicae, 2020, 39(3), pp. 125–138 - The determinants of more responsible restaurant food choice in Poland
Filimonau, V., Matute, J., Durydiwka, M., Faracik R., Mika, M., Zajadacz, A.
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2018, 26(8), pp. 1398–1416 - The dissatisfaction in space tourism. Negative feedback of the TripAdvisor users on the main tourist attractions of selected cities in Poland | Dyssatysfakcja w przestrzeni turystycznej. Negatywne opinie użytkowników TripAdvisor na temat głównych atrakcji turystycznych wybranych miast w Polsce
Zajadacz, A.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne, 2017, 62(3), pp. 63–88 - Accessible tourism for Deaf people in Poland: The SITur and SITex programs as proposals for accessible urban information
Zajadacz, A., Szmal, P.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2017, 10279 LNCS, pp. 348–359 - Sports tourism: An attempt to define the concept
Zajadacz, A.
Tourism (Poland), 2016, 26(1), pp. 96–97 - Evolution of models of disability as a basis for further policy changes in accessible tourism
Zajadacz, A.
Journal of Tourism Futures, 2015, 1(3), pp. 189–202 - The contribution of the geography of disability to the development of ‘accessible tourism’
Zajadacz, A.
Tourism (Poland), 2015, 25(1), pp. 19–27 - Accessibility of tourism space from a geographical perspective
Zajadacz, A.
Tourism (Poland), 2014, 24(1), pp. 45–50 - Sources of tourist information used by Deaf people. Case study: the Polish Deaf community
Zajadacz, A.
, - Weather and climate as elements of tourism space controlling the demand for and forms of tourist activity
Potocka, I., Zajadacz, A.
, - Tourism potential of Leszno Region | Potencjał turystyczny regionu leszczyńskiego
Zajadacz, A., Śniadek, J.
- Csapó, J., Bálint, B., Bálint, Gy., Čavlek, N., Csóka, L., Gergely, N., Gonda, T., György, O., Halik Ł., Kassay, J., Krajinović, V., Nagy, B., Raffay, Z., Siwek M., Sowa P., Zajadacz, A., 2024. The theory and practice of accessible tourism in Central Europe –implications from an international project co-operation. University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics, ISBN978-963-626-341-6231.
- Zajadacz A., (ed) 2024, Rethinking sustainable tourism in geographical perspective – theory and practices. Advances in Geographical and Environmental Sciences
- Zajadacz A. (red.), 2021, Zmiany w budżecie czasu wolnego i zachowaniach wolnoczasowych mieszkańców dużych miast w wyniku pandemii COVID-19. Seria Turystyka i rekreacja – Studia i Prace T. 23. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. s. 1-152. - Zajadacz A., Lubarska A., 2020, Ogrody sensoryczne jako uniwersalne miejsca rekreacji dostosowane do potrzeb osób niewidomych w kontekście relacji człowiek-środowisko. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, 1- 180. - Zajadacz A., 2012, Turystyka osób niesłyszących – ujęcie geograficzne. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań: 1-370. - Zajadacz A., 2010, Czas wolny, turystyka i rekreacja osób niesłyszących w Polsce. Uwarunkowania
i plany rozwoju turystyki T. 4, Seria Turystyka i Rekreacja – Studia i Prace, Wyd. Naukowe UAM, Poznań: 1-315. - Śniadek J., Zajadacz A., 2008, Strategia rozwoju turystyki w Regionie Leszczyńskim. Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Zawodowej w Lesznie, Leszno: 1-270.
- Zajadacz A., 2004, Potencjał turystyczny miast na przykładzie wybranych miast Sudetów Zachodnich. Wyd. Naukowe Bogucki, Poznań: 1-177.
Pozostałe, wybrane publikacje:
- Zajadacz A., Iaromenko S., 2024, Solidarity tourism in the humanitrian crisis. Región Científica. 2024; 3(2), p. 1-12 - Durydiwka M., Krukowska R., Zajadacz A., 2024, Active recreation as leisure activity of inhabitants of large cities in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic. An attempt at qualitative approach. [in]: Cities in the shadow of pandemic and climate crisis. New quality of space and reality, red. nauk. Eweliny Biczyńskiej i Mirosławy Czerny. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, p. 37-63
- Zajadacz A. 2023, A unique place in terms of nature, Białowieża Forest. [in:] Challenges and inspirations in managing cultural sites. Ed. Zuzana Kvítková and Natálie Volfová, Litomyšl, 2023, p. 24-32. - Zajadacz A., 2023, The “Wieliczka” salt mine. [in:] Challenges and inspirations in managing cultural sites. Ed. Zuzana Kvítková and Natálie Volfová, Litomyšl, 2023, p. 33-37.
- Zajadacz A., 2023, A sustainable tourism policy for Krakow. [in:] Challenges and inspirations in managing cultural sites. Ed. Zuzana Kvítková and Natálie Volfová, Litomyšl, 2023, p. 49-59. - Zajadacz A., Molnár D., Pallás E., Šimočková I, Petrů Z., Kvítková Z., 2023, Case studies collection. UNESCO sities. Balences and sustainable tourism development. Project FV “UNESCO sites – balanced and sustainable tourism development”, project ID #: 22120090, Litomyšl pp. 31. - Zajadacz A., Uwamahoro J. 2022, Voices of Young People in Rwanda Regarding the Development of Nature Based Tourism. [in] Kepher Gona, Judy and Atieno, Lucy. Sustainable Tourism Dialogues in Africa, De Gruyter. p. 247-266. - Zajadacz A., Uwamahoro J. 2021, The diversity of the geographical environment of national parks in Rwanda as centers of nature-based tourism.
Prace Geograficzne, 2021, Zeszyt 165, s. 53 – 67. - Zajadacz A., Krukowska R., Durydiwka M., 2021, Staff teaching mobility of selected polish universities on the example of Erasmus Plus Programme.
Ed. João Bento, Academic tourism – Perspectives on international mobility in Europe. Springer. p. 67-84. - Wajchman-Świtalska, S.; Zajadacz, A.; Lubarska, A. 2021, Therapeutic Functions of Forests and Green Areas with Regard to the Universal Potential of Sensory Gardens.
Environ. Sci. Proc. 2021, 3, 8. - Szał Ł. Terlecka W., Zajadacz A., Lubarska A., Minkwitz A., 2021, Assessment of the adaptation of tourism supply of cultural heritage objects for the elderly in the context of accessible tourism. Case studies from Poland. 2021.
VI. vol 3. Issue Tourism nad Rural Development Studies, p. 124-137 - Zajadacz A., Lubarska A., 2020, Sensory gardens as places for outdoor recreation adapted to the needs of people with visual impairments.
Studia Periegetica 2020; 30 (2): 25-43. - Zajadacz A., Lubarska A., 2019, Sensory gardens in the context of promoting well-being of people with visual impairments in the outdoor sites, International Journal of Spa and Wellness, 2:1, 3-17. - Zajadacz A., Lubarska A., 2019, Development of a Catalogue of Criteria for Assessing the Accessibility of Cultural Heritage Sites. Studia Periegetica 2019/2(26). Multidimensionality of Tourism in Metropolitan Areas, pp. 91-101. - Zajadacz A., Kugiejko M., 2019, School Trips – Understanding the Youth Travellers Perspective. Studia Periegetica nr 4(28)/2019, pp. 32-42. - Zajadacz A., 2017, Attitudes of Future Tourism Sector Employees Towards Organise Accessible Tourism.
Management Studies, Jan.-Feb. 2017, Vol. 5, No. 1, 49-56. - Zajadacz A., Śniadek J. 2013, Tourism Activities of Deaf Poles. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, Volume 58, Issue 1: 17-32. - Zajadacz A., 2011, Attitudes to social integration of deaf and hearing people during leisure time in Poland. [In:] Tourism Role in the Regional Economy. Social, Health-Related, Economic and Spatial Conditions of Disabled People´s Tourism Development. J. Wyrzykowski, J. Marak (ed.) Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa we Wrocławiu, Wrocław: 310-326. - Śniadek J., Zajadacz A., 2010, Senior citizens and their leisure activity – understanding leisure behaviour of elderly people in Poland. Studies in Physical Cultures and Tourism Vol. 17, No. 2, 2010: 193-204.